Communication & Comprehensive Care

At Somerby Mobile, we approach technology the same way we approach every element of our care—with our resident’s wellness as our highest priority. We don’t chase trends; we carefully evaluate new technologies based on their potential benefits for our residents.

Central to our strategy is The Bridge App—a platform that fosters transparent communication among residents, staff, and families. Through this app, we share information about care, schedules, and our dining menu, providing clarity and peace of mind to our residents and their families.

Gain a deeper insight into the role technology plays at Somerby Mobile, or schedule a visit to our community today to see it in person.

Safety & Communication 

We prioritize the intelligent integration of technology as a cornerstone of our wellness philosophy

We provide an array of services, including HIPAA-compliant telehealth and online resources accessible to our residents and their families. This commitment enhances our services so that residents receive the comprehensive care they deserve.

The Bridge App

The Bridge App is the best way for families to stay in touch with their loved ones and care associates at Somerby Mobile. This communication solution is as easy to use as any smartphone app and is the easiest way to stay on top of your loved one’s level of care, upcoming events, and meal options. 

Download the Bridge App today. Also available for iOS.

Families are always in the know when it comes to their loved one’s daily lives. 

Through the app, residents, families, and our associates can share photos, schedule appointments, and so much more.

Families are also part of their loved one’s wellness experience and the activities they enjoy from week to week.

They can keep track of upcoming events and stay aware of any health or lifestyle changes.

Families and residents can make payments easily and securely through the app. 

This feature makes it easier for families to keep up with their loved one’s finances while residents focus on living life to the fullest.

Electronic Medical & Health Records

Emergency medical and health records help us monitor resident health information and are readily accessible and efficiently managed. 

When a resident’s care plan changes, these updates are automatically added to their electronic health records, keeping our team up-to-date with their needs.

By reducing the administrative burden on our caregivers, we empower them to focus more on what truly matters—providing compassionate and individualized care.

Schedule a Visit to Somerby Mobile

Visit Somerby Mobile today to see for yourself how our smart integration of modern technologies enhances the care we provide our residents.

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